Enabling Education,

we believe in the transformative potential of education to break
the cycle of poverty and prov ide individuals with tools
they need to build a better future.

Qualified Trainers

Qualified Trainers

Professionals with expertise and capable of delivering high-quality training content
better future

Better Future

Identify and prioritize courses that develop future-proof skills, such as critical thinking, problem-solving
Job Opportunity

Job Opportunity

We collaborate with companies to offer internships, and facilitate job placement programs
Playing Kids

Learning with Love and Laughter

Late Mrs.Jeevanti Devi Bhatt Memorial Trust, a non-profit organization
dedicated to the transformational power of education.

We believe that education is the key to unlocking human potential, fostering
personal growth, and building thriving communities.

How we help in education?

Academic Preparation

We offer well-organized study materials, notes, and resources for various subjects, including summaries, diagrams, and examples.

Competitive Preparation

We provide a variety of practice tests and full-length mock exams that simulate the actual exam environment.

Skill Development

We create structured skill development pathways & learning tracks that guide users through a step-by-step process to acquire specific skills

How we help in Academic Preparation?

We provide financial assistance for educational expenses, such as tuition, books, and supplies. Our trust offers a structured approach to managing funds, ensuring they are used solely for educational purposes.

How we help in Competitive Preparation?


NEET Preparation


JEE Preparation


Other Entrance exams Preparation